10 December 2022 | 6 mins read
Modern work life can be overwhelming at times. We spend a great deal of time thinking about money, and for good reasons. But there are many other aspects of our lives that are worth investing in too. Here are 4 investment ideas that you can start to make today to improve your quality of life!
Interests & Hobbies
Making time and investing into your hobbies is important for your mental well-being. You don’t need to make a career out of it, but you can set aside some time every week to do the things you love.
Make a conscious effort to strive for excellence at whatever role you’re in. A great way to invest in your career is to upgrade your skills through courses or attending conferences.
Participate in activities together with your loved ones. Building on the earlier point, you can grow and develop your hobbies while spending time with those that matter.
Health tends to be one of the first to drop off our priority list. Keeping track of your wellbeing helps prevent unnecessary health problems and getting insured early to save yourself from financial stress and anxiety.
Call it your plan B when life takes an unexpected turn. Ensuring you and your loved ones maintain their quality of life without placing a massive financial burden on them.
DISCLAIMER: The contents including images, videos, audio and written texts found on the author’s social media page and other platforms does not constitute a research report and it does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any specific recipient of this message. All material and content are strictly for informational purposes only. The contents posted should not constitute financial or investment advice and should not be considered as an offer, or solicitation, to deal in any of the securities or investment instruments mentioned in this message. The author may, from time to time, own or have positions in any of the securities mentioned or referred to in his content or any securities related thereto and may from time to time add to or dispose of or may be materially interested in any such securities. All thoughts are the author’s own.
Knowing where to start
Starting out on a clean slate with financial planning can be a daunting one, but there is always somewhere to start if you feel hesitant to speak with a financial consultant before doing any research. More often than not, you would already have some form of insurance protection before you know it. Arm yourself with the right information and start your financial planning process right!
If you are ready to kick start your financial planning review, reach out to us for a conversation.
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